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The law


The French Mastiff registered in the official LOF(Livre des Origines Françaises), or all other different genealogical official book recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture (FCI), is not concerned by the law n° 99-5 - 6th January, 1999, relative to the dangerous and Wandering animals.


On the other hand, a dog said type French Mastiff, because unregistered in the official LOF or another official genealogical book recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture (FCI), is being considered as first category by this legislation, because he have a morphological correspondance by dogs said Mastiff type. These dogs can be collectively called boerbulls.


A doubt, as for the interpretation of the legislation, a doubt maintained by sellers (professionnal or not) of dogs said « type French mastiff », to insure the continued existence of the business, being illegal...


This doubt must be definitively removed, because the current legal consequences are extremely heavy for the owners of these dogs, as well as for dogs themselves.




French Mastiff non LOF / without FCI pedigree = catégorized = forbidden breeding


A french Mastiff with LOF/ with FCI pedigree = not categorized


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